Wednesday, November 6, 2013

October 14th - Autumn Amazes - and I'm a little behind!

Sadly, the INVASIVE honeysuckle is ready to feed birds and squirrels in abundance again this year.
Most experts advise keeping children away from the berries. Seems a few varieties are okay, but some are poisonous. So we explain to Rowan that we are not allowed to eat those. Only birds like them.
Love this shot. Nothing like a walk with the young'n to get you seeing things straight!!
Now if you Shuffle your feet you can make those leaves CRUNCH! Explain shuffle to a two year old!
Rowan is good at mimicing bird calls.
And if you find a REALLY good stick,
you can drag it ALL the way to the car! (Gigi loves those curls!)
Rowan's thinking, "Are you SURE about that?"
Pop shows him how the corn grows.
And they take just one ear home for his birds and wild life.
Maybe out of focus, but this Rowan in ACTION!
Hey! Look!!


  1. It was a most delightful hike..

  2. Bob, you make a great grandpa. Super pictures and it looked like a beautiful day.

