Friday, September 27, 2013

Nail's It #5

From Elizabeth Elliot's biography of Amy Carmichael, " Chance to Die." Chapter "Grey Jungle, Crystal Pool."
Ponnammal with Two of the Orphans
"It was a solemn meeting around the sickbed, the women dressed as usual in their handloomed saris, but white ones for this occasion. They laid a palm branch across Ponnammal's bed as a sign of victory and accepted whatever answer God might give, certain that whether it was to be physical healing or not, He would give victory and peace. It sounds like a simple formula. It was an act of faith, but certainly accompanied by the anguish of doubt and desire which had to be brought again and again under the authority of the Master.
"The answer that came was that Ponnammal, from the very day of the anointing, grew rapidly worse. She lay for days without speaking, her dull eyes half-open, seeming to see nothing. The pain was violent, kept under only by large doses of morphia. "She has been walking through the valley of the shadow of death. I never knew how dense that shadow could become, for I never before watched anyone dying in this slow, terrible way ... Nothing was visible but the distress and depression of this most fearful disease."
"Once when she seemed to be in unimaginable misery she told Amy how she had longed to be allowed to stay. She thought she could help a little "if the pain did not pass this limit." "It seemed to me the most unselfish word I had ever heard from human lips." Ponnammal touched the limit at least - the limit divinely set to pain- and her "warfare was accomplished" on August 26, 1915. She would never be replaced. She had been among the best. But "we shall have our best again, purified, perfected, assured from change forever." That was the ground of hope."
Reading things like this assure me that though I lost my parents when I was under 25, I never had to observe this sort of suffering with them.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Nail's it #4

Continuing with Book Quotes I have liked ....
Anne Lamott wrote Help, Thanks, Wow a small book about prayer. The women at Journey Together in Stitches highly suggested it. At first attempt I could not even read it. I was at a season with MUCH anger towards God and did not want anyone else's perspective on prayer. A few months later I found it to be a good book off the beaten path of most "religious" books.

 In this passage Anne is talking about the death of her cat, Jeanie. I found it to contain truth for many situations.

    "I called to have the vet come by to put her down. I said, "Help. Also, I gave her a lot of morphine, what had to have been an overdose, which she just slept off. All I wanted was for her not to die miserable and afraid. That's all.
     It is nighttime now, and Jeanie passed an hour ago, miserable and afraid.
     When the vet came, we tried to gently get her out from under the futon, and she went crazy, and the next ten minutes were so awful that I won't describe them. Suffice it to say that she did not go gently into that good night. It broke my heart. But she had been suffering, and is suffering no more. She had an amazing run of love with my family. She was a proud little union cat, and also a model of queenly disdain with a bit of grudging affection for most people, and pure adoration for me.
     Was my prayer answered? Yes, although I didn't get what I'd hoped and prayed for, what I'd selected from the menu. Am I sick with anxiety, that I did  the wrong thing? Of course. Sad? Heartbroken. But Jeanie hit the lottery when she got me as her person for thirteen years, and the bad death was only ten minutes. So let me get back to you on this."

A friend recently had a difficult divorce in progress. Then a corner was turned and both husband and wife agreed to release the other. Before the divorce was finalized he was diagnosed with fatal illnesses and died rather rapidly. She was a cauldron of emotions. One neat item was the letter he had sent her on Mother's Day thanking her for being so good to his children when they were young and in need of love and tenderness. And for being such a good wife to him, even though he was never willing to participate in counseling or bettering their relationship. This letter helped her through some of the worst emotions.

I sent this passage to her. You see, he had "hit the lottery" when he got her for a wife. The bad parts at the end  were a few months long and the injuries to her from his adult children during the last days of his life and funeral were bloody and agonizing. But it was mere moments compared to their over 20 years together. Did it end the way she prayed and wanted? No. Has she been sick with anxiety that she did it wrong? Yes. Was she sad? Yes. In some ways heartbroken, yet in other ways she came to see that the marriage had died years ago. No, she did not get the marriage she had longed and prayed for, but her life is still on-going and God is at work.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Nail's It #3

In God's Hotel  Victoria Sweet writes about Laguna Honda Hospital in San Francisco prior to and during it's remodeling. She wrote researched her PhD on Hildegard's concept of viriditas. In the chapter entitled "The Miraculous Healing of Terry Becker" she writes,

Not only did her healing take a long time and need a long time, but time was the most important ingredient in her treatment. Premodern medicine knew about that special ingredient; it was called "tincture of time." Almost everything, it had observed, healed in time under the right conditions. And the most valuable thing that Terry received at the hospital was just that: enough - that is, the right amount of - time, the right amount of time being time without pressure and without end.

Hildegard referred to veriditas and Victoria tried to understand what she meant by it, "I discovered that premodern medicine did have a name for this magical act that the body performs. It was called the vis medicatrix naturae, usually translated as "the healing power of nature." But this is not a great translation. Vis is related to vim and vigor and means the force of life, of youth, of newness. Medicatrix is related to remedy and  medication. And naturae does not  mean nature as in "Mother Nature," but rather your nature, my nature, Terry Becker's nature. It means the nature of us to be ourselves. So the vis medicatrix naturae is really "the remedying force of your own nature to be itself," to turn back into itself when it has been wounded.

The idea goes all the way back to Hippocrates, who wrote that "what heals disease is nature [physis]." And what did he mean by physis? Physis comes from phuo, which means to grow, and signifies the observation that a seed grows into the only plant it can: a mustard seed into a mustard plant, a seed of wheat into a sheaf of wheat. By physis Hippocrates meant the "nature" of a being to grow into itself; and it was, in part, what Hildegard meant by viriditas.
But like anima and soiritus, physis and the healing power of nature were exiled from medicine more than on ehundred years ago. They were victims in the battle between two completely different conceptions of health, disease and healing - mechanism and vitalism.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Nails it Again!

I won't ad photos to this one as Wallace Stegner writes so clearly in Crossing To Safety I am certain you WILL see the pictures in your head!

Okay, one or two for those not familiar with the exact plants...

At the four corners we turn up a dusty secondary road. Dust has whitened the ferns along the roadside, gypsy moths have built their tents in the chokecherry bushes, the meadow on the left is yellow with goldenrod, ice-blue with asters, stalky with mullein, rough with young spruce. Everything taller than the grass is snagged with the white fluff of milkweed.  On the other side is a level hayfield, green from a second cutting. The woods at the far edge rise in a solid wall. In the yard of an empty farmhouse we sample apples off a gnarled tree. Worms in every one.  But Wizard {the horse} finds them refreshing, and blubbers cider as he walks.



Sunday, September 22, 2013

Nails it!

Sometimes the authors I read just nail a description that I have never been able to put into words.

Try this from Nevada Barr in Liberty Falling:

Cloaked in darkness, the world was utterly changed. A supreme gentleness personified eastern summer nights that, living so long in the West, she'd forgotten. A kindly, dreamlike quality that the sharp dry air of Colorado could not emulate. Two floating sparks caught her attention and she laughed in delight. Ellis Island had fireflies. Fireflies put her in mind of Tinkerbell and she wanted to clap because she believed.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Butterfly Living

Those who have known me for some time realize how much I am fascinated with butterflies and their life cycle. Somewhere around 1982 my love for butterflies and my faith walk joined in this short poem.
"Butterfly living
Now that's for me!
Glory bound and
Incredibly free.
Made to be
A joy to Thee.
Strengthen me for
The wings of liberty."
We do need strength to use our liberty properly. Even Jesus said that of Himself He could do nothing, but only what the Father did through Him.
My constant prayer goes something like, "You have to help me, Lord. Left to myself I will always mess it up."

Friday, September 20, 2013

Betty and Me and Bunny Supreme!

Little did we know
that in some ways
We were at our peak performance
as we posed
in front of the antennae and towers. (2005)

The years broadcast
age to our bodies
Hair streaking with silver
skin in folds only imagined upon
our Grandmothers
not ourselves ….
Then these outer shells
suffered falls and cracks
We endured the best
Medical America had to offer
For recovery.

We assumed we would
recapture our body as it was
before the braces and slings
surgery, x-rays, crutches.
With PT finished
We were certain
we would enter on the scene
a restored, though older
energizer bunny
ready to pick up the tasks we dropped
resume previous routines
keep or even set the social rhythm.

Once, on a clear, lovely morning
we oohed aahed and marveled
at one balloon after another
noting but not studying
that huge bunny
with its drum and sunglasses.

Now, on the other side of
our respective physical traumas
Up jumps the bunny
with lessons galore
Did you ever notice
The Bun wears flip flops!
Surely she cannot run in those things
Nor do we run much
She wears sunglasses
Not necessarily to mimic Joe Cool
But more likely aware
that her eyes need protection.
And the drum!
Her lovely drum and drumsticks
She can only beat it
She can only shuffle
(For flip flops cannot march)
shuffle and thump that drum
but only as long as her power lasts.
Your laughter reminds me
of His joy.
Lord, use us as Your bunnies!
In Him
we live
and move
and have our being.
Oh, Holy Spirit,
Dunamis from on high
help us to beat Your drum
pace us in our flip flop shuffle
Restore to us the joy of our salvation
Give us the backbone of Jesus
Shield our eyes from the negative
Flop our ears in joy
as we listen for Your voice
setting our pace
directing our steps
taking us where You desire
wherever this bunny trial leads.
Fine tune our receivers
that Your directions come through
loud and clear.
Empower us for what ever You
want us to do next.
Help us beat our drums
and sing Your praises
even to our last breath!
This Bunny Shuffle could be great fun
with God in charge
and His holy power
sending us out and on our way.
Come on, sister,
Lets start the parade!

Thursday, September 19, 2013


So is it an alien life form? Or just a May Apple emerging in Spring? Sadly, last spring I related better to the alien life form.
Did I mention that given my druthers, I'd druther be a child in the woods?

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Ireland Thoughts 2011 Current Thoughts 2013

My Reflections from Clonmacnoise11-06-30
Through the window of the ages
Past the thick walls of time
Stands a symbol of death
Nay! Bright resurrection
Hope of all men.

The rough stones laid
In geometrically fine patterns
Of worship, of honor, of praise

Roofless now
that heaven may freely break through
to us of long ages later
Arches , capstones, edges of time
Torn by the worship of long ago
Until our hearts are lifted up
To worship the same lovely truth
You came for us
You come to us still
To have us for Your own
Encircling with Spirit
Invading with Holy
Illumine our techno age
With truth of heaven
Power of Holy
Spirit of Life.
Remind us once again,
Your church is not a building
but Your people.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Remember the Blog about Birth Order?

Bob is the oldest of 5 children. I snapped this photo a couple years ago of Bob, his sister Karen who is 1 year younger than him, and his sister Jackie who is like 15 years younger than him. They have 2 brothers younger than all of them!
I always thought it should be entitled, "Now what?"
This was taken at the wedding rehearsal for Karen's son Anthony. It was held outdoors at the home of a family who owns a winery. Most of the family does not have a faith in Christ. I just now noticed the statue of Mary in the niche of the house wall! Watch over and protect all of us I pray.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Valuable Gold Chain or Snakes?

Is it valuable or just like snakes in the grass?
This article appeared in the Chicago Tribune, written by Ryan Parciero. I heard teh story on ABC World News. I was reminded by the idea of treasure....
"A family finds gold by the Florida shore, and it’s one discovery, complete with a hidden Spanish gold chain and coins, that the Schmitt’s — a treasure hunting family who search for submerged booty as a business — will never forget. Over $300K worth of sunken Spanish gold was found by the seafaring family members while diving not far from Florida’s Treasure Coast, the Monitor reports this Wednesday, Sept. 4.
It seems the family that finds gold together, stays together. Rick Schmitt began his own treasure hunting company in the deep blue sea back in 1999, called Booty Salvage. While he soon had his family involved in his diving searches for hidden treasure, resurfacing with several gold coins and a long gold chain worth an estimated $300K has brought the Schmitt’s into the national headlights.
The family’s passion for lost booty, gold, and one another helped bring the “pirating” unit, for while the money may be great, it’s the love they have for the sport of treasure hunting in the Florida waters and doing it together that makes the experience that much better.
“My dad wanted to share that experience with us kids,” said daughter Hillary, 20, who has been diving since she was 5 years old, told CBS. The 20-year-old added that now, seeing s speck of sunken gold isn’t a rare occurrence, though it is almost never as valuable as what the Schmitt’s reeled in this week. “We love doing it. It’s a family effort. … Not only are we doing something that’s really fun, we get to do it as a family. It’s a pretty awesome experience.”
Although an exact value for the submerged-now-surfaced treasure hasn't been given, early guesses from appraisers value the small gold hoard as well over $300K.
"Through it all, the greatest treasure is time with the family," finished Lisa Schmitt, Rick Schmitt's wife.
What do you think about the family finds gold story? Does it make you want to rent out some scuba-diving equipment and see if you can find any coins, chains, or lost Spanish treasure for yourself?"
Is gold the best treasure? I agreed with the wife that being a family and searching together will have more value to them in the long run than the riches. Too often we hear of families destroyed by wining the Powerball or inheriting vast sums of money.
Lord keep us all.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

And more on John 1 Grace and Glory

You'll remember the post where Matt Redman sang "You will not share Your glory with another."
Came across this while looking up the Pitch Your Tent info.
”The Living Word came near enough to view. Thus John wrote that people observed His glory. The term refers to the very strong honor of God as revealed in Jesus. Jesus is the unique, “one-of-a-kind” Son of the Heavenly Father. This unique Son is full of grace and truth. Though John does not use the word grace beyond 1:17, its meaning is demonstrated in the ministry of Jesus throughout the Gospel. The term truth is based on the Hebrew concept of faithfulness."

J.B.Phillips translates vs. 16 "Indeed, everyone of us has shared in His riches - there is a grace in our lives because of His grace."
In the elementary classroom where I used to volunteer there was a treausre chest. If the children earned enough stickers during the week, on Friday they were allowed to pick something out of the treasure chest to keep. If The Lord let you choose from His treasure chest, what would be dearest to your heart today? How about five years ago? Would there still be a special place for the one you chose five years ago?

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Pitches His Tent

If I was asked to pitch a tent it would probably be this one: prone to falling down, no ground cloth so you are sure to be soaked at night, etc.
There are many references in the Bible to tents. One of my favorites is in John 1:14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.
Here are notes from an on-line sermon:
Verse 14 – John here introduces the concept of the Word, last mentioned in 1:1. The Divine Word took on flesh, used here with no reference to a sinful nature but rather in the simple sense of Jesus’ becoming a human being. The eternal Word, who was with God and who was God, became a Person and came to live among us. The idea of dwelling with, or taking up residence with, renders a Greek term that literally means “to pitch a tent.” The impact of John’s statement in common language might be something like this: “the Word became a living, breathing Person, and He moved in next door to us."

When God pitches a tent today I am fairly certain His would be more like this one: sleek, water proof, not prone to falling down, etc.
Vine's Expository Dictionary says of "to dwell": The Septuagint version of the Old Testament uses a great number of Greek words to translate yasah and sakan. But one word, katoikein,is used by far more often than any other. This word also expresses in the New Testament the "dwelling" of the Holy Spirit in the church: "That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith" (EPH 3:17). The Greek word skenein ("to live in a tent") shares in this also, being a more direct translation of sakan. John 1:14 says of Jesus, "The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us."
Clear the ground of sticks and rocks. Make room for God to abide and dwell with you.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Old Watering Hole

For ages people have used what water they could collect. Think about getting your water from these spots!
New Mexico
or Ireland
In the outermost parts of Ireland they have concrete slabs, built on a slant to collect any rainwater that falls for the farm animals. Sadly, I do not have a photo of that, just the memory.
Makes me thankful for the old Kennedy fountain in the park.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Matt Redman - The Heart Of Worship

After Healing Touch on September 10 this song rolled through my soul all the way home. I could not wait to get home and play the CD. I have posted the lyrics here because not all versions have the last refrains. Enjoy the video below!

When the music fades
All is stripped away
And I simply come
Longin' just to bring
Something that's of worth
That will bless your heart
I'll bring You more than a song
For a song in itself
Is not what You have required

You search much deeper within
Through the ways things appear
You're looking into my heart
I'm comin' back to the heart of worship
And it's all about You
It's all about You, Jesus
I'm sorry Lord for the thing I've made it
When it's all about You
It's all about You, Jesus

The King of endless worth
No one could express
How much You deserve
Lord, Though I'm weak and poor
All I have is Yours
Every single breath

I'll bring You more than a song
For a song in itself
Is not what You have required
You search much deeper within
Through the way things appear
You're looking into my heart ...

I'm comin' back to the heart of worship ...
Every song we sing
Every breath we breathe, Jesus
Its all about You
It's all about You, Lord
I'm comin' back to the heart of worship ...
Sing to say, it's all about You
Every melody every heart beat
Every breath we breathe
It's all about You
There's no one
It's all about You
It's all about You
It's all about You
Yeah we know that
You will not share Your glory with another
Oh, You shall not share Your glory with another
Jesus, You will not share Your glory with another
Oh, You shall not share Your glory with another
You will not share Your glory with another, Jesus
Oh, You shall not share Your glory with another
There's no other
You will not share Your glory with another
Oh, You shall not share Your glory with another
There's no other
There's no like you in the Heavens and the Earth

He is Lord and King.