Friday, November 29, 2013

Advent Poem

October, 1993 I wrote this poem. I still pray it every Advent season.

Here am I, stuff of earth
But by the Spirit's power rebirth
Has brought me receptivity.
Fill me with Yourself.

Molded by Your Holy Hand
I wait before You
Prostrate, kneel, stand
Cupped and ready, cleansed, atoned
Waiting for Your radiant touch
Virtue compelled to enfold Your own
The vessel of Your making.

Here am I, stuff of earth
Yielded for Messiah's birth
Be it unto me, O Lord,
As in Your word and will.

The Great I AM
Dwells in my heart
There to impart the power
Courage and propulsion
For His dream.

Here is my stuff of earth in Sculpey clay. Shaped like a clay manger, my receptivity is like a cup of flesh, ready to receive the Lord's birth within my very very heart and soul. I await His coming.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

"O Holy Night" Bob's Favorite!

With the Thanksgiving holiday we enter into Advent, the celebration of the coming of Christ into the world. Unfortunately, most of that celebration has been obliterated by the commercialism and materialism of America. I hope this season moves you closer to finding the mystery of Christ in you, the hope of Glory.

here is one rendition of Bob's favorite Christmas song. Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Happiness - Gratefulness

"Happiness is not what makes us grateful. It is gratefulness that makes us happy." David Steindl-Rast "A Listening Heart" 

Recently, the Lord challenged me to daily make a list of 13 things for which I am thankful. It is quite a challenge. I have found the practice is also good for my soul. The next quote sums it up nicely. 
"The grateful heart is a manifestation of one's true self. Nothing sidelines the ego more effectively than a grateful heart." 
 Albert Nolan "Jesus Today; A Spirituality of Radical Freedom"; Maryknoll/NY; Orbis Books; 2011. (p.109) 

Listing in writing my gratitudes takes me away from myself and into the larger view of life.Last Sunday our Pastor used the Scripture illustration that only one leper turned back to say thank-you to the Lord! (Luke 17:16)

 I pray this holiday you might make time to try listing 13 gratitudes for yourself. 

The quotes above are from a website that sends a daily quote about gratefulness. If you are interested in increasing your gratitude try

Along with Paul in Philippians 1:3, "I thank my God every time I remember you!" 

Be gentle with yourself, Molly D.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

It's 35 Degrees ...

and there is a berry festival outside our windows! Much as we dislike the invasive Honeysuckle shrubs, they do produce a crop of red berries that the birds absolutely devour this time of year. The Bluebirds have returned ot the yard with new interest. They have been missing a good part of the summer :-( Nuthatch, Cardinal, Titmouse, Chickadee, Blue Jay, Junco, ah! the winter birds seem to have all arrived. Cannot tell if this photo will post so you can see the red berries?
As I ate breakfast Mrs. Bluebird came and sat on the deck railing, looking in at me and I looked at her. She was puffed up to keep warm and reminded me of a bluebird hued tennis ball! Then, shortly before my coffee was finished, Mr. Bluebird took a similar position, until he decided to fly away in a dash of brilliant blue that left my eyes dancing.
The seed feeder is almost empty. This batch of black oiler sunflower seeds has what looks like rabbit pellets mixed in it. I am sure the chipmunks are delighted when those get dumped on the grass down below the deck! Offered the pellets to the dog (who LOVES sunflower seeds) and her response was "Naahh!"
Guess I better feed those hungry birds. The suet feeder is depleted, also. The arctic front is due to move in and they will need their fuel to survive.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

God is In The Heart of Humankind

Have been enjoying e-mail from Joan Chittister's group.
Lectio with the words of Joan Chittister

What can we learn from the spiritual heritage of other traditions? Answer: that God is in the heart of humankind and if we listen clearly, we can hear that same voice in another language.

Photo by Carolyn Gorny-Kopkowski, OSB

Her photo was probably the image from a Kiva? I like my photo from New Meico better though!
This woman looks to me as if she, too, is praying!
I agree with Joan that we must keep listening for the Voice of God!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Autumn Chores Get us Closer to Christmas Trees!

When you wait the ENTIRE day for the service man to come fix the ice maker on the less than 1 year old refrigerator/freezer, and no one calls to tell you "Oops! We never got that set up!" what's a Grammy to do?
Well, I've been making the best of it by using one of my birthday  iTunes gift cards to get some Pentatonix Christmas in here.

If you have ever tried to sing "The Carols of the Bells" and if you have ever tried to sing a cappella, you will appreciate this work that these folks make SEEM so simple. TURN UP YOUR VOLUME it played back pretty quiet on the blog site.

So while I changed the twin bed sheets to flannel (the nights here have been about 20 degrees lately) I rejoiced over this wonderful version. The repairman will be here Thursday morning.

Trying to set up a new tradition of "Come decorate Pop & Grammy's tree" since Christmas is here every year because we have the most room! Pizza and ornaments! Sounds pretty good! Hope they all agree :-)

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Years Ago and Even More NOW

Years ago I came across this prayer by Teilhard de Chardin from his work The Divine Milieu translated from the French:
"O God, grant that I may understand that it is You
Who are painfully parting the fibers of my being
in order to penetrate to the very marrow of my substance
and bear me away within Yourself."
Now that I am older and more internet savvy, I decided to search for the prayer on-line to use in the blog. Well, as the famous spinach eating sailor says, "Blow me down!" 

I had no idea it was lifted from a longer prayer. Much more appropriate now that I'm 63 than when I found the excerpt almost 25 years ago! Entitled "Prayer for the Grace to Age Well" here it is:
"When the signs of age begin to mark my body
(and still more when they touch my mind);
when the illness that is to diminish me or carry me off
strikes from without or is born within me;
when the painful moment comes to which I suddenly awaken
to the fact that I am growing ill or growing old;
and above all at the last moment
when I feel I am losing hold of myself
and am absolutely passive within the hands
of the great unknown forces that have formed me;
in all these dark moments, O God,
grant that I may understand that it is you
(provided only my faith is strong enough)
who are painfully parting the fibers of my being
in order to penetrate to the very marrow 
of my substance and bear me away within yourself."
Teilhard de Chardin
My gracious!  I had no idea the extent of that prayer. Even now, Lord, help me to embrace this truth once again.

Monday, November 18, 2013

My pain, Your pain

Those who know I have a chronic pain condition or two are sometimes reluctant to share with me about their own pain. I must assure them, "Your pain is your pain!"

Only the Lord Jesus Christ knows exactly how we each suffer. Your pain is not to be compared or contrasted with mine. When it comes down to it, suffering is just lousy suffering. Now granted, there are times I can make my suffering WORSE, especially when I fall into a pit of self-pity. The only way someone else can make it worse than that is if they are willing to play "Poor you" with me and wash my back with the muck.

The Lord knows my suffering and yours. He wants to enter into it with me and with you. He does not encourage self-pity, but He does encourage inviting His Presence into our every moment and situation.

So the next time you are in pain, especially the kind that grinds you down with constant, unrelenting suffering, please invite Him in and call me so we can pray together.

I find this prayer a comfort at those times:
BCP  For Trust in God O God, the source of all health: So fill my heart with faith in
your love, that with calm expectancy I may make room for
your power to possess me, and gracefully accept your
healing; through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

 My Mother used to have a ceramic likeness of this art. Wish I knew what happened to it when she died.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

You Must, Molly Lin

Help me obey today, Lord.

GOODSPEED: EPH 4 beginning in verse 31
You must give up all bitterness, rage, anger, and loud, abusive talk, and all spite.
You must be kind to one another, you must be tender-hearted and forgive one another just as God through Christ has forgiven you.
So follow God's example, like His dear children, and lead loving lives,

just as Christ loved you and gave Himself for you,
as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.

Fifty two years ago today I began my life without my earthly father. Thus began in earnest my search for my Heavenly Father. I am still struggling to obey Him, but I know Him better for the search of 52 years!
I was just barely eleven years old at my Daddy's funeral.
I had myself baptized and confirmed within five years. And I journey on together with my heavenly Father.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Too Much Aggravation

My life has had too much aggravation lately. Is it just me or is everyone going through this? If discouragement is the #1 tool of the enemy of our souls, then I need prayer IN A BIG WAY.

Just too many things pushing me to the brink of my patience. I am getting tired of holding my temper.

I thought it was supposed to get easier to let things go as we age. Hah! Another myth busted.

I asked someone to do something and they readily agreed. Several days later they came to me asking me for the names of the persons they recruited. ?How should I know?

I made a return doctor appointment just like my doctor asked me to do. I set the alarm, left the house in a timely manner, showed up for my appointment and the office staff dismissed me. They had cancelled my appointment and not told me - for the second time this year!!

The new refrigerator stopped making ice cubes. Had to set up the second repair appointment this year. They could not come out for over a week. It is NEW! I'm buying ice at the market down the street.

We have had several hard freezes and I am still killing bugs in the house and around the windows and crunching across the front porch.

I will stop now before I post things I might regret.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Quotes That Stuck Me

"Submission to the Divine will is the softest pillow on which to recline."
Olive Tree
Psa. 38:9: Lord, all my desire is before Thee.
Amy Carmichael "Only a simple word. This afternoon, words would not come when I tried to pray, and this troubled me; and then it was as if He, who is never far away, said, "What does it matter about words, when all thy desire is before Me?" Perhaps you, too, find that words will not come when you wish they would. So I pass on my comfort."
In St. Augustine's words:"To Him who is everywhere, men come, not by traveling, but by loving."
How about when words won't stop?
Help us then, Lord, to rest in Your loving embrace

Monday, November 11, 2013

Like the stink bugs weren't bad enough

I came home the other day; it was sunny and warm. The garage door was COVERED with ladybugs. The front porch floor and ceiling were both covered, as well as the front door. Ladybugs all over the sliding glass door, in the window frames of every room. I have been sweeping up lady bugs upstairs and down. The only photo I could offer now is DEAD ladybugs. Too bummed to even take a photo. The neighborhood will rejoice when the freezes come and the ladybugs are dead!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

October 14th - Autumn Amazes - and I'm a little behind!

Sadly, the INVASIVE honeysuckle is ready to feed birds and squirrels in abundance again this year.
Most experts advise keeping children away from the berries. Seems a few varieties are okay, but some are poisonous. So we explain to Rowan that we are not allowed to eat those. Only birds like them.
Love this shot. Nothing like a walk with the young'n to get you seeing things straight!!
Now if you Shuffle your feet you can make those leaves CRUNCH! Explain shuffle to a two year old!
Rowan is good at mimicing bird calls.
And if you find a REALLY good stick,
you can drag it ALL the way to the car! (Gigi loves those curls!)
Rowan's thinking, "Are you SURE about that?"
Pop shows him how the corn grows.
And they take just one ear home for his birds and wild life.
Maybe out of focus, but this Rowan in ACTION!
Hey! Look!!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Leaves Turning Colors

Popular Science printed this recently under FYI
Why Do Leaves Turn Different Colors? Short Answer: Different trees make different pigments.
Long Answer: Leaves are loaded with chlorophyll, which makes them green. But all green plants also carry a set of chemicals called carotenoids. On their own, these look yellow or orange - carotenoids give color to corn and carrots, for example - but they're invisible beneath the chlorophyllic green of a leaf for most of the year. In the fall, when the leaves are nearing the end of their life cycle, the chlorophyll breaks down, and the yellow-orange is revealed. "The color of a leaf is subtractive, like crayons on a piece of paper," says David Lee, formerly of Florida International Univeristy, who has studied leaf color since 1973.
In one corner of our yard: Ornamental grass, pyracantha shrubs, gingko tree and yellow poplar "Tulip tree."
Most trees have evoloved to produce a different set of chemicals, called anthocyanins, when it's bright and cold in autumn. These have a reddish tint and are responsible for the color of a blueberry. They're also sometimes made in newly sprouting leaves, which explains their sometimes reddish tint. Where chlorophyll and the anthocyanins coexist, the color of a leaf may run to bronze, as in ash trees. At high enough concentrations, anthocyanins will make a leaf look almost purple, as in Japanese maples.
More drab autumn colors form as leaves really die and complete the breakdown of the chloroplasts. When they're all dried out, the pigments link up together into what Lee calls a "brownish gunk."
The bright red leaves here are the forsythia which will give us our first harbinger of spring with those golden flowers! What a blessing :-)
Ornamental grasses in the side yard.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Lava Hot Springs, Idaho

One of the highlights of our trip happened the first day. We flew from CIncinnati to Salt Lake City, then drove into Idaho and stopped at the Lava Hot Springs. Great way to relax after the flight and travel through unknown areas.
From the website at
"Bubbling out of natural underground springs, the hot water is laden with minerals, but has no sulfur and therefore no bad odor.

"Over 2.5 million gallons a day course through the hot springs and are diverted into the Portneuf River keeping the springs ever changing and clean. The spring's temperatures range from approximately 102˚ to 112˚ degrees.

  • Open 363 Days A Year! Hours and Rates
  • Pure all natural Mineral Water
  • No chemicals, no sulfur, no odor
  • Natural water temperature 102F -110F
  • Four outdoor gravel bottom pools
Fine print says "Except where they found hot springs, pre-historic Indians had a hard time getting hot water. They wove water-tight baskets into which they put heated rocks. Here they had plenty of hot water for baths and for processing hides without going to all the work of heating baskets. This was one oftheir major campgrounds, especially in winter. After 1868, when they began to stay mostly on the Fort Hill Indian Reservation , this location lost its importance as a winter camp."
This is how it looked when we were there, except there were PEOPLE! Not many, but a few. One woman was recovering from cancer treatments. She was there with her husband, two children and her mother.
It would have been neat to see it in the snow!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Faeries In the Yard?

Our Trick of Treat night was postponed until November 1st due to storm predictions and high winds. The morning after the storm, when Bob took his walk with the dog, he came home and called me outside to see this.
Now from time to time we get a few mushrooms in the yard,
but if you look closely you can see a ring of these huge mushrooms!
What? Maybe there were faeries dancing in the yard last night?
The dictionary defines them as
1. A tiny, mischievous, imaginary being; a fairy.
2. The land or realm of the fairies.
Mushrooms nestled next the rock wall, (guess these were for the wall flowers?)
Giants littered over the yard, but in a sort of pattern!
Obviously, we were delighted and amazed. They disappeared almost overnight.
Largest 'shrooms we have ever seen in our yard!
Will wonders never cease!? Hope not.