Friday, August 2, 2013


The dictionary defines quiescent as being quiet, or at rest.

[Latin quiscns, quiscent-, present participle of quiscere, to rest, from quis, quiet; see quiet]

Been using "Daily Readings with John Main."
In his book The Way of Unknowing he wrote: "We need to put aside about half an hour every morning and half an hour every evening, to be still, to be simple, and in the language of the very early monastic fathers, to rest in The Lord. An honoured word they used to describe their meditation was quies, rest, being quiet, being still. At that moment of quies you are not concerned about what you will do; you are wholly concerned about being.
"Meditation will teach you that living fully means expanding, crossing the frontiers of your own limitations. Crossing the frontier of your own being you find yourself in God. So do not think that stillness is static or that quies is passive. In peace we find the God who conceives and sustains a cosmos.
"Remember, meditation is not about making something happen. Each day every one of us has the potential within ourselves, along with the means, to become fully the person we are called to be. That potential and the means is nothing less than the presence of Jesus Christ in our hearts. Meditation is simply being open to that.
Sadly, the only time I have ever seen quies used in contemporary American society was to describe a "Quiescently Frozen Dessert."

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