Thursday, August 22, 2013

Bone Comics

Years ago the Cookseys introduced us to the comics called "Bone" after Wade introduced them. Here is one synopsis from "Wikia."

"The Two Rat Creatures, (who Fone Bone and Smiley refer to as The Two Stupid Rat Creatures, named Stinky and Smelly in Quest for the Spark by Barclay, and Abbey Bone), are the first Rat Creatures introduced in the series. They are incredibly dim-witted and have very little common sense. A running gag in the series is that while one wants to eat him raw, while the other insists to put him in a quiche. Fone Bone is credited with coining the "stupid, stupid rat creatures" name after he attempts to escape them by jumping on a small branch, thinking they wouldn't be stupid enough to jump on. Obviously, he was wrong."

In my mind I changed the phrase to "Stupid, Stupid Rat People." (I still use it when it seems folks are too dumb for words!) Dan corrected me when I visited with them this year.

Here is the classic comic from the description above.



  1. You're still right. There are stupid, stupid rat people.


  2. To be politically correct. I will say no more...
