Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Sometimes I wonder ...

why it takes me so much longer than Bob to process a vacation. He gets home, chooses photos to print, writes in his v=travel journal and poof! he is all caught up. I am just now finding things like the list of animals I tried to keep when we traveled out West.
Here it is:
Coutless horses
Countless cows
Stopping counting at 4 Magpies becuase we saw them everyday after that, though this photo does not do that majestic tail justice!
(on-line photo)
There was one hawk with rings in its wings that I have nto identified.. of course, the bird books were at home.
6 mountain bluebirds (it really helped that the National Park newspaper directed us what to look for!)
(on-line photo)
At least 4 Bald Eagles, 2 in flight
21 wild Bison, not counting the large herds we saw at least twice
11 Elk and one family of male, female and baby. This one was right inside the park boundary hanging out by the camp ground.
Canada Geese
2 Trumpeter Swans in a small lake (on-line photo)
1 coyote with black tipped tail and yellow/white fur (too far away for the photo to come out well)
2 White Pelicans! Go figure! Who knew? Not me.
Prong horn sheep herd,
This nice close-up from on-line
Then a group of 4 on Antelope Island in Utah
We also saw 4 cowboys driving a herd of Balck Angus. Though we could not hear the "Yippe-Yippe" calls that Cowboy Small assures us they make (in Rowan's book).
We drank "Moose Drool Beer." It was actually good and contained no genuine drool. Sadly, we never saw a moose. They are like Corgis and make me laugh.
I still need to investigate facts about the wind farms..
Vacation brings all sorts of data to my little mind!


  1. It's a man thing. We put all our vacation memories into our vacation box in our mind and that's it. Been there, done that. (Obviously a quote made up by a man.)

