Monday, September 23, 2013

Nails it Again!

I won't ad photos to this one as Wallace Stegner writes so clearly in Crossing To Safety I am certain you WILL see the pictures in your head!

Okay, one or two for those not familiar with the exact plants...

At the four corners we turn up a dusty secondary road. Dust has whitened the ferns along the roadside, gypsy moths have built their tents in the chokecherry bushes, the meadow on the left is yellow with goldenrod, ice-blue with asters, stalky with mullein, rough with young spruce. Everything taller than the grass is snagged with the white fluff of milkweed.  On the other side is a level hayfield, green from a second cutting. The woods at the far edge rise in a solid wall. In the yard of an empty farmhouse we sample apples off a gnarled tree. Worms in every one.  But Wizard {the horse} finds them refreshing, and blubbers cider as he walks.

