Thursday, October 24, 2013

Our Heart, or Hidden Self

There are many quotes here that reflect my world recently.

A new friend at the Convent told me she likes Eckhart. I looked up some of his quotes on-line and found:

"A human being has so many skins inside, covering the depths of the heart. We know so many thnigs, but we don't know ouselves! Why, thirty of forty skins or hides, as thick and hard as an ox's or bear's, cover the soul. Go into your own ground and learn to know yourself there."
-Meister Eckhart
Remember how the Native Americans value this hide? How many might be covering your heart?

Reading a novel I came across this:
"Whether (she) chose to admit it or not, she had an overwhelming depth of strength. (She might be a twig), but made of willow - able to bend and twist and give way, rather than break."

It is not always comforting to be told that one is strong, yet The Lord challenges us in the Word to be strong in The Lord and in the power of His might!
The passing of Bob's Aunt had me reflecting upon the early death of my parents. In the same novel I found this thought:
"I'm sorry. I thought I was ready for this. I mean, I knew that it was coming, but when you get right down to it, preparing doesn't make it hurt any less."
Yep, had my Mom lived she would have been 100 this year. Yep, I still miss her. Strange to be turning 63 and still miss your Mom. This, too, is part of the human condition.


  1. I try to pretend I am ready for the day my parents are no longer a phone call away; but I know that is only pretending. Most appropriate post.

  2. Such insight can make each day a jewel to be treasured.

