Impossible? Nothing is impossible with God.
I have a friend who was married twice. Neither was a happy union. Before her second husband died he told her, in writing, that she deserved happiness and he was sorry for all the unhappiness he had brought her. That letter is precious today!
Then recently her first husband let her know that he has been going to church.. He said he did not know how to love or how to receive love when he was married to her. Wow! It seemed as if that was an impossible statement she would never hear in her lifetime! Yet, here is The Lord sending her messages of love and understanding after years and years of hoping for a sign that she was "doing" life right.
"One can't believe impossible things," Alice said."I daresay you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast. Lewis Carroll Through the Looking Glass, Chptr. V
One of my first memories of Cinderella was the Rodgers and Hammerstein verison - not Disney. That version was made with new actors recently. Surely it takes faith to sing this song!
Our God is the God of the Impossibles. I pray you will look to Him to see you through every situation.
Right on, sister.
we just box our hopes into boxes that are not big enough..