Monday, October 14, 2013

Eagle and the Fisherwoman

While at Yellowstone we saw several eagles. Usually they were too far away to photograph, but I tried!
We learned the trick while in Alaska to look for that white head!
While taking this picture another tourist got out of her car and asked, "What are you looking at?" I told her an eagle. She guffawed and said, "Oh, my Grandma has one in her yard. We fight with it all the time!" I've wondered since then what they fight about? Maybe she had a fish pond or something?
I also snapped this fisherwoman. She was undisturbed by the throng of tourists as she cast her line into the same river the eagle was watching.


  1. It was special encounter as are all with the eagles..

  2. They are cool. We were told to look for 'white ping pong balls in the trees.'

    Good pictures.

