Monday, August 5, 2013

Rowan Keeps me Going!

If you want to have a sweet turn to the day, spend a few hours with a 2-1/2 year old. Peppered constantly with "What's that?" not knowing what he is looking at, makes us say, "What do you think?" and the other favorite saying right now is "Oh, YEAH!" I am reminded of the wonders of life.
Be it planes, trains, paving equipment or any old truck, it spells fun! Sitting by the side of the road watching the men reconfigure the Eastgate Rt. 32 interchanges is terrific fun.
At naptime when I asked him if he wanted a blankie his reply was, "Got robots?" Well no, I had sent all the robots to his house. So of course, Pop and I needed to hit the fabric store for robot fabric. WHen he came over next time and saw the fabric he said, "I get two."
Sometimes the 35 pounds of boy wears me out. He can run around the outside of the house faster than I can. But all in all, he is pure joy.
So here is our excursion to the play area at the Cincinnati Nature Center. Enjoy!


  1. One of my questions for God some day - why so much energy for little bodies and why so little for older bodies?


  2. So sweet...I am glad we've made time for the little ones.
