Reading John Main this morning he wrote in Word Made Flesh: "In his gospel St. John teaches that the person of faith must be 'of the truth' and truth is conceived of as something growing and dynamic. Faith is not a static condition. The indwelling Spirit of Truth continually influences and forms us. The importance of our daily return to meditation is that it deepens our openness and responsiveness to the Spirit's vivifying and enlightening presence."In meditation we are constantly being refreshed by the power of the Spirit as it teaches us how to commit ourselves and dedicate ourselves to the truth. This is the truth that God is, that God is one and that our meaning is to be one with Him. John describes Jesus telling us that only the person who abides in the Word can fulfill this meaning and come to a genuine knowledge."
Then Streams in the Desert quoted Job 28:12, 20
“But where, oh where, will they find Wisdom? Where does Insight hide? Mortals don’t have a clue, haven’t the slightest idea where to look.
Earth’s depths say, ‘It’s not here’;
ocean deeps echo, ‘Never heard of it.’
It can’t be bought with the finest gold; no amount of silver can get it.
Even famous Ophir gold can’t buy it, not even diamonds and sapphires.
Neither gold nor emeralds are comparable; extravagant jewelry can’t touch it.
Pearl necklaces and ruby bracelets—why bother? None of this is even a down payment on Wisdom!
Pile gold and African diamonds as high as you will, they can’t hold a candle to Wisdom.
“So where does Wisdom come from? And where does Insight live? It can’t be found by looking, no matter how deep you dig, no matter how high you fly. If you search through the graveyard and question the dead, they say, ‘We’ve only heard rumors of it.’ "
Come, Lord, inform and transform us by Your Spirit indwelling us.
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