When I learned that praying with a rosary is simply tactile prayer and that the prayers can be any of your choosing I began praying with the following in mind.
Mark 12:28-30 One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked him, “Of all the commandments, which is the most important?” “The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this:
‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’
Repeatedly in my quiet time I could hear The Lord emphasizing to me the Oneness of the Trinity and the Oneness of believers. (It seems at time that unity among believers will take an act of the Trinity, yet God sees us as one.) So for a while everywhere I turned there was the emphasis on ONE. I even bought a wooden number 1 and hung it up in my car to remind me to pray.
Praying with beads or a rosary is just a way to keep your mind focused. If you have ever tried to pray for more than a minute you have probably discovered how quickly the mind and the ego rush in to take over. So holding the beads and moving them along from prayer to prayer is just a technique to hold your attention. I have never quite gotten the prayers memorized to where I do not need a card to prompt me and remind me of the next prayer. It is still a valuable exercise in turning my attention away from self and onto the Trinity - our three in one.
Right on. I used a Rosary for many years.