Psalm 143:5-8 I remember the days of long ago;
I meditate on all Your works and consider what Your hands have done.
I spread out my hands to You; I thirst for You like a parched land.
Answer me quickly, Lord; my spirit fails.
Do not hide Your face from me or I will be like those who go down to the pit.
Let the morning bring me word of Your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in You.
Show me the way I should go, for to You I entrust my life.
Several years ago I learned two verses and somehow in my mind combined them into one reminder for life.
"I entrust myself to my Faithful Creator."
The actual verses read:
1 Peter 2:23 When they hurled their insults at Him, He did not retaliate; when He suffered, He made no threats. Instead, He entrusted Himself to Him who judges justly.
1 Peter 4:19 So then, those who suffer according to God’s will should commit themselves t
o their faithful Creator and continue to do good.
the picture reminds of one of a fork in the road-to the right was the road taken-on the left one a sign saying"no longer an option"