Accoutrements for Being Made New © 1979 Molly Lin Dutina
COR 5:17 So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation:
old has passed away; see, everything has become new!
"In Christ, there is a new creation..."
Yet being made over is a difficult thing
Bending Changing Arranging
I opened the door and invited Him in
I’m surprised to find I keep pushing Him out
and shutting that door!
Then I need to extend the invitation again!
Christ offers a new life
But I have to yield to Him.
Lord, give me an appetite to desire change.
To walk with the Lord
I must unpack my bags
Remove the unnecessary costumes
Discard excess equipment gathered on my own
Let the Lord
provide for my journey.
Once I sought to find a way
I hungered after truth
I thirsted for a refreshing drink
but philosophy was like drinking dust
the occult left me anxious and beggarly inside
my own will never satisfied for very long.
Books filled only with words, words, words.
My baggage was a heavy burden
Filled with unforgiveness and self-deceit.
Now I seek to find His way
through all circumstances that occur
I no longer hunger and thirst
(unless I choose to)
for provisions have been made for me
by Jesus
through God's Spirit
directly to the Father.
I needn't look to myself for answers.
no other person can wholly direct my way.
All I seek is knowledge of God's will for today.
He is given to me as the Bread of Heaven
with rivers of Living Water within.
And the Way is there
He goes before me
leaving food and drink
along the path,
gifts for my soul.
He is my Scout, Holy Guide
through the wilderness of this journey
to the Godhead.
How can I seek to serve any others
with Jesus carrying my suitcase?
He not only gave me new luggage
but filled it with armor and food,
Wisdom beyond books,
all delights of nature,
Treasures of heaven,
far surpassing old imaginings.
The door is irrelevant now
He is invited to dwell in every area of my life.
He abides with me and in me.
May I be yielded to Him forever.